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About Positive Earth Network
positive earth network logo, name, and motto.png

Society faces a number of environmental, humanitarian, and social challenges with potentially crippling consequences if left unchecked, but at Positive Earth Network, we believe positive people working together can make critical positive change.


Positive Earth Network is a geospatial networking platform that makes it as easy as possible for the average person to cooperate with their neighbors to help their communities become more resilient. It will provide aid to kickstart your own sustainability and safety initiatives in your community. 


With the help of Esri's ArcGIS API for Javascript and ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android, Positive Earth Network's development and continued operation is achieved and maintained by skilled technologists in the fields of full stack web development and geographical information systems while being guided by specialists to achieve an authentic user experience focused on conservation, sustainable community development, public health, and public safety.


It has been challenging forming and maintaining a team of likeminded individuals willing to collaborate and dedicate their talents to helping others thrive and live in balance with nature... 


… but facing these challenges is worth it. 


We’ve learned that when people come together to create positive change, they have the power to do exactly that.


Positive Earth Network will continue to collaborate and serve to implement solutions for a sustainable future. 



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